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A Little About Me
Big Heart | Wildly Compassionate | Great Connector
Awesome Motivator | Mama to trillions
Look, at my core, I am just a big nerd with an even larger heart. I care. I listen. I make strong connections with my patients. I truly care about you and your skin. I want you to get better. I want you to be happy. Oh man, what I would do for you to be happy! Clear skin is attainable and it's easier than you think.
If you're looking for a practitioner who is all heart, who walks her talk, who cares, who listens, and has the experience to back it up, you're talking to the right woman.
My journey with acne is just as tough as anyone else's. It began in 2008, got real bad in 2009, I lost all confidence in 2010, tried e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. up until 2016, started studying root cause medicine in 2016 and have been seeing patients since 2018! I know what it's like to look in the mirror and only see your acne, pimples, boils, scars, discoloration - it's disheartening and zaps your self-confidence. I've been there, I had given up so many times and threw my hands up and just thought, "Well, this is it. I am going to be ugly forever."
That all changed when I started digging into connections between the skin and gut. In addition to removing dairy from my diet, my skin has calmed down significantly.
I bottled up my life-long learning and experiences from struggling with acne for the past 16 years and pop it open for you during our time together. You get the fast-track towards healthy, clean, and vibrant skin. I promise it won't take 16 years!!
There will be connection, healing, and most likely tears.
That's ok. Let's heal!

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